Monday, November 9, 2009

Marine Corps Birthday Ball

We had a great night. The 234th Marine Corps Birthday Ball. We went with our dear friends, Mick and Sue Wagoner and Matt and Kristen Razvillas. It was a great night.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

After School Fun

Here are some pictures of the kids doing things they love after school. Casey has a part time job dogsitting after school. It's the perfect job for our little animal lover. Jimmy loves playing with his buddies doing things like skateboarding or chasing lizards (or in this case watching a lizard get devoured by ants). Cooper and Connor can usually be found in the tree fort across the street. So much fun in Florida.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween at FishHawk Ranch was the "best ever" according to the kids. There were so many haunted houses to visit and nobody was scared to trick or treat at any of them. The kids had a blast and so did the grown ups. I didn't manage to get a picture of Connor (aka Harry Potter). He must have been wearing his invisibility cloak. The Candy Corn Witch, Bloody Surgeon and Darth Vader all made it on the blog. As did Jimmy's pumpkin. Hope everyone had a spooky, fun Halloween.